1: Has the Script or in the case of the Musical or Dance, the Score, been previously produced in any manner that would suggest that it has become "Cultural" or has entered into the historical or popular repertoire
QUESTIONNAIRE 1: Has the Script or in the case of the Musical or Dance, the Score, been previously produced in any manner that would suggest that it has become "Cultural" or has entered into the historical or popular repertoire 2: Does the Script or in the case of the Musical or Dance, the Score, contain only original music or lyrics written solely for this Production? If not, please approximate the percentage of material that is newly written for the Production, with the remaining the percentage drawn from other sources.
3: Does work in any of the following categories substantially duplicate work previously created and produced as defined in the 2018 Mask Awards Rules and Regulations for the applicable season? If so, please place a check mark next to each category that applies. For each category checked, please approximate the percentage proportion of material that does substantially duplicate previously created work in that category
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